On 12 January 2023 the IPM Decisions Platform has been updated with more DSS for the 2023 growing season. Another update is planned in March 2023. www.platform.ipmdecisions.net offers a ‘one-stop shop’ for decision support in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). After an easy and quick registration process to set up a farm location and selection of relevant Decision Support Systems (DSS), users have direct access to information and guidance on a growing number of pests on their crops.
The platform is available in 12 European languages: English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, Finnish, Lithuanian, French, Italian, Greek, Slovenian and Dutch.
New Decision Support Systems (DSS) added to the platform:
• Carrot rust fly observation model. This warning system model is based on weekly observations of adult carrot rust flies captured on yellow sticky traps.
• Carrot rust fly temperature model. The first generation of adult carrot fly emerge from pupae in the soil, and lay eggs close to the base of vulnerable crops, like carrot and parsnip. The model determines the start of the flight period for the 1st generation of carrot rust fly.
• Potato Alternaria TOMCAST. The DSS calculates daily risk values and the risk of attack of early blight based on the previous 24 hours.
• Potato late blight, Negative prognosis. The DSS is designed to guide the timing of the first late blight fungicide application, when used in combination with other agronomic risk factors. The model guides the first spray timing at the end of the ‘epidemic free’ period. The DSS is commonly combined with other models to guide subsequent fungicide applications.
• Pollen beetle in oil seed rape. The DSS predicts migration into crops, based on air temperature, and so can be used to evaluate risk to crop.
• Best4Soil Decision Support Tools for nematodes and soil borne pathogens. These two tools are accessible through a link on the IPM Decisions platform. The tools provide information about susceptibility and tolerance of 70 crops to 32 nematodes and 135 pathogens.