The platform is the place for decision support in integrated crop management. Farmers, consultants and researchers can access a wide range of decision support systems (DSS) and weather data from across Europe via a dashboard.
We are pleased to announce that the IPM Decisions platform is live!
The platform is the place for decision support in integrated crop management. Farmers, consultants and researchers can access a wide range of decision support systems (BOSs) and weather data from across Europe via a dashboard. You can select systems most suitable for your farm. The platform has been funded by the European Union and is made available free of charge.
Available DSS on 19th of September:
- Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) in winter wheat and winter barley;
- Carrot rust fly in carrots;
- Potato late blight in potatoes, three different DSS;
- Codling moth in apples;
- Cabbage moth in several cabbage crops;
- Cutworm in various crops (lettuce, celery, brassicas, etc.);
- Fungal leaf diseases in winter and spring wheat (Zymoseptoria tritici, Parastagonospora nodorum and Pyrenophora triticirepensis);
- Downy mildew in lettuce;
- Saddle gall midge in spring wheat.